Jenny Craig has just been acquired by Nestle for about $600 million. This is about five times as much as venture capitalists paid for the initial buyout of Jenny Craig four years ago.
Pictured here is Jennifer, their current featured weight loss success story. Jennifer says she looks better than she did fifteen years ago. She has lost 42 pounds with Jenny Craig.
Jenny Craig has about 600 weight-loss fitness centers and sells prepackaged meals as part of its offerings.
The advertising campaign featuringKirstie Alley has provided Jenny Craig with a big boost over the past year or so. Their sales were over $400 million in the past year.
Pictured here is Jennifer, their current featured weight loss success story. Jennifer says she looks better than she did fifteen years ago. She has lost 42 pounds with Jenny Craig.
Jenny Craig has about 600 weight-loss fitness centers and sells prepackaged meals as part of its offerings.
The advertising campaign featuringKirstie Alley has provided Jenny Craig with a big boost over the past year or so. Their sales were over $400 million in the past year.