Enjoying Huge Success with a Low-Carb Diet | Weight Loss Road Map

วันเสาร์ที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Enjoying Huge Success with a Low-Carb Diet

Jimmy Moore had an amazing year in 2004. Over the course of that one year he lost 180 pounds. He did this with an Atkins Low-Carb diet. He started right on New Year's Day as a New Year's Resolution and didn't look back. At the beginning of 2004 he weighed just over 400 pounds. By the end of the year he was down to his goal weight of 220 pounds.

But the success didn't stop there. He also started a blog called "Livin' La Vida Low-Carb" about his dieting experience and this experiment has seen a huge uptake in reader numbers. He started the blog in April and the growth of his audience has been incredible. By the month of November, he was getting more than 20,000 monthly page views.

He's also written a
188 page book which was published less than two months ago. Check out LIVIN' LA VIDA LOW-CARB: My Journey From Flabby Fat to Sensationally Skinny in One Yearat Amazon.
