Boy Shorts in Plus Sizes | Weight Loss Road Map

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Boy Shorts in Plus Sizes

UNEASYsilence had a titillating post about a year ago stating that thongs were on their way out and boy shorts were in. We're talking about underwear for women here. (It seemed their survey was from personal experience and not necessarily scientifically statistically significant). But their certainty in their conviction seemed to make it so.

I decided to check this out with the brand new tool provided by Google. It's called Google Trends and it lets you search as to the relative popularity of two search terms.

As you can see by this graph, according to Google Trends, the thongs (in red) are still way ahead and were never threatened in their leadership position as compared to boy shorts (in blue).

But boy shortsare much more comfortable and really help to hide pantie lines on your skirts or pants. Personally, I'm not a thong girl myself (well, to tell the truth it's been a while since i was a girl) and actually think that women who wear thongs may have some deeply personal issues that I wouldn't want to console them with.

So here are some boy shorts and swimsuit options in plus sizesas pictured on Amazon.
