Getting Rid of those Love Handles - Mesotherapy | Weight Loss Road Map

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Getting Rid of those Love Handles - Mesotherapy

Do you have a double chin, love handles or other localized areas of fat on your body?

Mesotherapy is a new medical procedure that doesn't involve surgery and doesn't even require an anesthetic. It's supposed to enable you to target areas of 'stubborn fat pockets' and dissolve this fat via micro injections. It's also said to be effective in reducing cellulite. Mesotherapy (also known as lipodissolve) has been around for about ten years in South America and Europe. The treatment consists of injections of soy bean and enzymes to dissolve localized fat deposits.

The cost of the treatment is not cheap but not outrageously expensive either. It usually costs over $200 per visit. Some clinics claim you can lose up to three inches from around your waistline in only three visits. I'm seeking comments below from anyone who's tried mesotherapy treatments
