Weight Loss Success Stories | Weight Loss Road Map

วันพุธที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Weight Loss Success Stories

Here's a link to four inspiring weight loss stories by regular people living in Virginia. They include a 29 year old male who lost 42 pounds using the Easterling-Zacharias Institute method, a 31 year-old woman who lost 50 pounds with a raw food diet, a 24 year old woman who used Weight Watchers and Meridia to lose 60 pounds and a 61 year old woman who lost 85 pounds on the South Beach Diet. None of these are fad dieting methods, it's great to hear that they worked for these people.
See their stories at Richmond.com (an online portal for the Greater Richmond, Virginia area.)______The fine art print above is 'Energy Apples' by Audrey Flack.
