Addicted to Food - A Quiz | Weight Loss Road Map

วันจันทร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2552

Addicted to Food - A Quiz

Do you feel you have a food addiction?

Do you think about your weight or about food constantly? Do you find yourself trying different diets regularly with no long-term success? Have you ever wanted to stop eating and couldn't?

These are three questions on a list of twenty devised by the people at Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. If you answer yes to any of these questions you may be a food addict. You can take their food addiction quiz here.

FA is based on similar principles as Alcoholics Anonymous. They hold regular meetings in dozens of cities. Many people find the program very effective. It is helpful to be in the company of others who are struggling with addictive eating and to share experiences and mutual support. FA is free and does not involve weigh-ins at meetings. Membership is open to anyone who wants help with their food addiction. For more info, check out the nearest FA meeting venue in your city.
